Valid from: 01.01.2025
The service of 24-7Fitnessklubi OÜ allows clients to work out independently, and the service user undertakes to ensure that they have sufficient knowledge and skills for independent workouts before entering into the contract. The client is aware that sports clubs have no staff.
Unless the context requires otherwise, the terms used herein have the following meanings:
1.1. The Service Provider is 24-7Fitnessklubi OÜ (registration code 14045006), with the address: Tallinn, Laki põik 4;
1.2. The Client is a person who uses the Services provided by the Service Provider on the basis of a Contract concluded with the Service Provider;
1.3. The Parties are the Client and the Service Provider together;
1.4. The General Terms and Conditions are these general terms and conditions of 24-7Fitnessklubi OÜ, which apply to all contracts that 24-7Fitnessklubi OÜ concludes with clients. The General Terms and Conditions form an integral part of the Contract between the Service Provider and the Client;
1.5. Services are services provided by the service provider, in particular the provision of the use of the gym, workout equipment and group workout hall and/or participation in workout in accordance with the Package purchased by the Client;
1.6. Service Fee is the amount paid by the Client to the Service Provider for the provision of the Service;
1.7. The Contract is an agreement between the Client and the Service Provider, which is concluded upon creating a User Account in the Service Provider's Client Zone on the Website and to which these General Terms and Conditions and other terms and conditions set out on the Service Provider's Website and in the Club apply;
1.8. A Package is a Service purchased by the Client, which grants the rights associated with the respective package. The packages are Basic Packages and Additional Service Packages. The description of the packages is provided in the General Terms and Conditions and/or in the price list on the Website.
1.9. A Package Agreement is an agreement between the Client and the Service Provider to obtain a specific Service, which is concluded on the basis of the Contract and is subject to the terms and conditions set out in the Contract;
1.10. The validity period of the Package is the period during which the Client can use the Services in accordance with the selected Package;
1.11. Group Workout is an additional service offered by the Service Provider, which the Client can purchase in addition to the Basic Package referred to in clause 5. In group workouts, the Client can work out with other clients under the guidance of a coach. More detailed conditions for participating in group workouts are provided in section 6;
1.12. The Website is the Service Provider's website.;
1.13. The Client Zone is the area of the Club after the entrance gate and part of the Website where the Client registers and to which the Client gains access by entering the username and password created during registration on the Website;
1.14. A user account is a profile created upon concluding the Contract for the use of the Client Zone on the Website.
1.15. The Rules are the terms and conditions for staying at the Club and using the Services, which are published on the Service Provider's Website and/or at the Club's location;
1.16. The Client Card is a membership card sent to the Client in physical form and/or available in the mobile application of the phone, which ensures the identification of the Client's identity and enables the Client's entry to the Club;
1.17. The Club is a sports club located at a specific address, which belongs to the Service Provider's chain of sports clubs and which the Client may use to receive Services in accordance with the purchased Package and the terms and conditions of the Contract. The list of clubs and their locations can be found on the Website;
1.18. An e-invoice standing order is a payment method that applies when the Client enters into an Annual Contract with a monthly e-invoice payment obligation;
1.19. The joining fee is a one-off service fee of 10 euros applied upon registration as a Client. The fee must be paid by each new Client who wishes to start using the Services and creates a new User Account for this purpose;
1.20. The handling fee is a contractual penalty that the Service Provider has the right to demand from the Client for each violation if the Client has violated the Contract and the amount of which is 30 euros per violation;
1.21. The Contract transfer fee is a fee that the Client undertakes to pay if they wish to transfer the Contract to a third party instead of terminating the Contract, and the amount of which is 20 euros;
1.22. The re-joining fee is a fee that the Client undertakes to pay if more than 45 calendar days have passed since the end of their last active Package and the Client wishes to start using the Service again and enter into a new Package contract. Its amount is 6 euros;
1.23. A Single Pass is a one-off paid right to use the Service in any Club and gives the right to enter the Club and use the Services once.
2.1. The Service Provider shall provide services to the Client in accordance with the terms and conditions and procedure set out in the Contract, and the Client shall pay the Service Provider for the Services in a proper and timely manner in accordance with the procedure set out in the Contract.
2.2. A client can be a person who is at least 7 years old. In the case of a Client under the age of 18, the Contract shall be concluded by their parent or legal guardian. Special conditions applicable to minor clients are set out in the chapter 3.
2.3. When registering as a Client, the Client enters the required information on the Website. The Client then confirms the data and registers a User Account.
2.4. The Contract is deemed to be concluded upon creation of a User Account when the Client has marked the corresponding confirmation on the Website, paid the joining fee and the fee for the selected Package.
2.5. After entering into the Contract, an invoice for the purchase of the Package agreement will be sent to the email address provided by the Client.
2.6. The Client Card will be activated upon conclusion of the Contract. When ordering a plastic card, the Client Card will be activated immediately, but considering the usual delivery time of the plastic card, the Service Provider will add 2 days to the Client Package.
3.1. In the case of a Client under the age of 18, the Contract shall be concluded on their behalf by a parent or guardian. The Service Provider does not assess the willingness and ability of an underage Client to work out independently at the Club, and the responsibility for this lies with their parent or guardian.
3.2. The parent or guardian who has entered into the Contract on behalf of the underage Client is jointly and severally liable to the Club for the fulfillment of all obligations arising from the Contract with the underage Client.
3.3. The parent or guardian confirms that they are aware that the Club does not have staff on site who could assist the Client if necessary. In the Club, work out is done independently, except for group work out sessions.
3.4. If an adult wishes to join an underage Client for work out, the adult must enter into a Contract with the Service Provider on their own behalf or purchase a Single Pass.
4.1. Concluding the Contract gives you the right to choose a Package of your choice and use the Services in accordance with the selected Package. The Package agreement is concluded together with the Contract and later the Client can conclude new Package agreements on the basis of the Contract as desired.
4.2. The Package entitles the Client to visit the Club and use the Service during the validity of the respective Package.
4.3. During the validity of the Package, the Client also has the right to purchase other additional services offered by the Service Provider (e.g., Group Work Out Package), for which the Service Provider may charge an additional fee according to the valid price list. The Client is charged the price that is valid at the time of purchase of the respective additional service.
4.4. Club membership is individual and personal, and the Client is prohibited from entering the Club in groups or allowing third parties into the Club. The Service Provider has the right to apply a Handling Fee for violation of this obligation.
4.5. The Client undertakes to use the Club's funds prudently, diligently, and for the intended purpose.
4.6. The Client is prohibited from performing any activities in the Club other than regular work out, including consuming alcoholic beverages in the Club, smoking and sleeping in the Club, entering and staying in the Club under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, and disturbing and behaving in a manner that disturbs other clients of the Service Provider or prevents them from using the Service.
4.7. The Client is prohibited from conducting workout sessions in the Club for a fee or for any other economic purpose without the prior written permission of the Service Provider.
4.7.1. The Service Provider will inform the Client as soon as possible of any changes or circumstances related to the Services that affect the use of the Service.
4.8. The Service Provider has the right to restrict the provision of the Service, if necessary, in accordance with the Contract and the Rules, including restricting the provision of the Service to a specific Client if a violation of the Contract, Rules or other obligation by the Client has been identified.
4.8.1. The Service Provider may limit the provision of the Service if the Service Provider cannot do so due to circumstances beyond the Service Provider's control (including utility network failures, force majeure circumstances, etc.).
4.9. The Client must provide the Service Provider with the necessary data and documents and notify the Service Provider of any changes to the Client's data no later than 3 (three) days after the relevant change enters into force. If the Client does not notify the Service Provider of any changes to the contact details provided, the details provided will be deemed correct and all notifications will be addressed to the contact details provided by the Client. Notifications are deemed delivered three business days after they were sent.
5.1. The Client can purchase periodic basic packages of different durations, which are listed on the Website (Price List). All Basic Packages are prepaid, except for the Annual contract package. Basic packages entitle you to work out in the Club's gyms for the time included in the respective Basic package.
5.2. An Annual contract package is a recurring gym use right for one year, paid for in monthly payments via e-invoice. The amount of monthly payments is fixed on the day the Package is concluded according to the valid price list. The procedure for making payments is set out in clause 7.2.
5.3. It is also possible to pay for the Basic Packages referred to in clause 5.1 through the Stebby system. More information can be found on the Website.
5.4. It is not possible to stop the Package before its expiration, including in the event of illness, vacation, change of residence, or similar event. If the Client wishes to terminate the Package agreement before its expiry date, the Package agreement termination fee will apply in accordance with clause 9.4.
6.1. The Group Workout Package gives the Client the right to participate in group workout sessions repeatedly at any Club. The Client can purchase the Group Workout Package additionally only with a valid Basic Package. The Group Workout Package is valid until the end of the Client's current Basic Package. The price of the Group Workout Package is listed in the current price list on the Website.
6.2. Upon early termination of the Group Workout Package (including termination of the Group Workout Package before the end of the current Basic Package), the Client shall pay the Service Provider an early termination fee, the amount of which is equal to the 4-month fee for the Group Workout Package. For early termination, please refer to the procedure referred to the clause 9.5.
6.3. To participate in a Group Workout Session, the Client must register in the Client Zone for each Group Workout Session in which they wish to participate, obtain a ticket confirming the Client's registration from the kiosk before the start of the Group Workout Session, and give it to the coach before the start of the Group Workout Session.
6.4. A minimum number of participants indicated on the Website may be required for Group Workout Session to take place. If the minimum number of participants is not reached for a specific Group Workout Session, the Service Provider may cancel that Group Workout Session.
6.5. Since the number of participants in Group Workout Session is limited, the Service Provider cannot guarantee that the Client will always be able to register for a specific Group Workout Session. If the maximum number of participants allowed for a Group Workout Session is reached, the system will block further registration.
6.6. Registration for each Group Workout in the Client Zone usually opens up to 2 (two) weeks before the relevant Group Workout takes place.
6.7. If the Client cannot participate in the Group Workout they registered for, they are obliged to make a corresponding note in the Client Zone no later than 1 (one) hour before the start of the Group Workout, otherwise the Client will be deemed to have violated the Group Workout registration conditions. If the Client has not cancelled their participation in the Group Workout in a timely manner 2 (two) times in a row or a total of 2 (two) times within 1 (one) week, the Service Provider has the right to block the Client's ability to register for the Group Workout in the Client Zone for 1 (one) week.
6.8. In addition, the Service Provider has the right to demand a contractual penalty of 1 euro from the Client for each violation if the Client does not show up for the booked Group Workout and fails to cancel it in a timely manner.
6.9. If the Client has not collected a ticket confirming registration for the Group Workout from the kiosk by the start of the Group Workout, their place will be released. Free places are given to other clients on an ongoing basis.
6.10. The Service Provider has the right to make unilateral changes to the Group Workout, including replacing coaches and changing the workout, by notifying the Client via the Website or Client Zone.
6.11. The Group Workout coach has the right, at their discretion, to restrict or prohibit the Client from participating in Group Workout if the Client behaves inappropriately or, if the coach feels that they are unable to ensure the safety of themselves, the Client or other clients.
6.12. A Personal Workout agreement is concluded between the Client and a specific coach. The Service Provider is not responsible for the availability, pricing, or content of such workout. Personal coaches who are permitted to conduct personal workout sessions at the Service Provider's premises are listed on the Website or in the Club.
7.1. Prepaid Packages are paid for upon conclusion of the Package Contract. The corresponding Package Contract enters into force when the advance payment has been received into the Service Provider's account.
7.2. The Client shall pay the Service Provider for the Annual Contract Package according to the following procedure:
7.2.1. The first payment is made via a bank link, the amount of which is calculated from the Client's desired day (inclusive) to the last day of the current month, together with an advance payment for the next full calendar month.
Example 1: The Client enters into the Contract on March 15th and pays for the current month (March) and the next month (April) via a bank link.
The Package is valid from March 15th to March 31st of the following year.
The first e-invoice will be sent to the Client on March 5th; the e-invoice payment must be received no later than March 10th, and so on on the 10th of each month for 11 times.
The last invoice will be sent on March 1st of the following year. The Package is valid until March 31st.
In the example above, the Contract length is 12 months + 17 days of the month of joining.
7.2.2. The Service Provider will send the e-invoice for the Service Fee for the following months to the bank account specified by the Client.
7.2.3. The payments referred to in the Contract clause 5.2 will be made from the Client's bank account on the 10th of each calendar month. The Client must ensure that there are sufficient funds in their bank account on that date to pay the Service Fee.
7.2.4. If the 10th of the respective month falls on a weekend or public holiday, the payment will be made on the first business day following the payment date.
7.2.5. If payment fails (regardless of the reason), the Client's access to the Clubs will be blocked. If the Client wishes to pay the invoice for a specific month in another way, the Client has the right to request an invoice by e-mail by writing to info(at) After paying the invoice or submitting a payment order, the Services will be opened for the Client as soon as possible.
7.3. All payments made by the Client under the Contract are deemed duly paid from the moment the corresponding amount is received in the Service Provider's bank account.
7.4. The Client's debts are considered paid as follows: first, the costs incurred by the Service Provider in collecting debts from the Client, then the accrued interest, and then the debt for the Services (starting with the oldest debt).
7.5. Failure to receive an invoice does not release the Client from the obligation to pay the fee in any case, as the amount of the fee is predictable for the Client and the Client is aware of the amount of the fees.
7.6. If the Client has any questions regarding payment, they should contact the Service Provider as soon as possible. Incomplete information does not exempt the Client from the obligation to pay the fee.
7.7. If the Client terminates the Contract due to circumstances for which the Service Provider is responsible, the Service Provider will refund the fees to the Client for the period that remains unused by the Client until the end of the validity period of the Basic Package.
8.1. If the Client does not pay the invoices submitted by the Service Provider on time, the Service Provider has the right to charge the Client a late payment interest of 0.05% per day on the unpaid amount until the amount is fully credited to the Service Provider's bank account.
8.2. The Service Provider is under no circumstances liable for the Client's non-pecuniary damage, including lost income.
8.3. The Parties confirm that compensation for damages and expenses does not release the Party that has breached its obligations from fulfilling its obligations under the Contract in the future.
8.4. The Service Provider is not responsible for actions or restrictions imposed on the use of the Service by third parties (including the Government of the Republic, local government).
8.5. If the provision of the Service is suspended due to circumstances arising from the Client, the Service Provider is not required to release the Client from the obligation to pay for the Services.
8.6. The limitations of liability listed in the Agreement do not limit the Parties' right to use other legal remedies provided by law.
9.1. The Contract is valid for an indefinite period. If the Client wishes to cancel the Contract, they must send a free-form application for termination of the Contract to the Service Provider's e-mail address. Upon termination of the Contract, the Client's User Account will also be deleted. If the Client still has a valid Package Agreement, the Agreement will still be valid until the end of the Package Agreement, unless the Agreement is terminated exceptionally in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions. If the Client cancels only the Package Agreement, the Contract will remain in effect until its termination.
9.2. If the Client wishes to use the Services again after termination of the Contract, they must create a new User Account, enter into a new agreement and pay the Joining Fee. If the Client wishes to conclude a new Package Agreement after the end of the Package Agreement, the provisions provided in clause 1.22 must be taken into account.
9.3. The Client who has concluded the Contract via the Website has the right to withdraw from the Contract within 14 days from the date of conclusion of the Agreement. If the Client has used the Services during this period, they undertakes to pay the Single Pass price for each visit to the Club.
9.4. It is possible to terminate a Package contract with an annual contract early by paying the Package contract early termination fee. The fee for early termination of the Package contract is equal to 4 months of fees or the amount of monthly fees remaining until the end of the Package's validity period (whichever is lower). The package with an annual contract ends at the end of the calendar month in which the application was received by the Service Provider's email.
9.5. To terminate the Contract or Package, a corresponding application must be sent to the e-mail info(at)
9.6. If the Client has a valid single-payment Package, they have the right to terminate the Contract unilaterally without giving a reason by notifying the Service Provider by e-mail. In such a case, the Contract shall be deemed to have terminated at the moment when the Service Provider received notification from the Client about the termination of the Contract. The Service Provider is not obliged to refund the Service Fee to the Client for the period the Client does not use.
9.7. The Client is aware that the compensation and fee policy related to the termination of the Package Agreement is related to the Service Provider's pricing model and is justified by the discount on the standard Service fee for a specific Package.
9.8. The Service Provider has the right to unilaterally terminate the Contract, including canceling the Package and/or blocking the provision of Services to the Client, in the following cases:
9.8.1. if the Client has provided the Service Provider with false, inaccurate, incomplete or incorrect data;
9.8.2. if the Client has violated the terms and conditions of the Contract and the Club Rules.
9.9. If the Service Provider terminates the Agreement in accordance with clause 9.8, the Service Provider will not refund any Fees to the Client for the remaining validity period of the Package due to the termination of the Contract. In the case of a package with an annual contract, the Service Provider has the right to demand a contractual penalty amount corresponding to the amount of monthly fees remaining until the end of the Package. In addition, the Service Provider has the right to refuse to enter into new contracts with the Client.
9.10. Termination of the Contract does not release the Client from the obligation to pay all debts and compensate for damage caused to the Service Provider.
9.11. The Client has the right to unilaterally cancel the Package Agreement by notifying the Service Provider 5 days in advance if the Service Provider fails to provide the Services for more than 30 consecutive days due to circumstances attributable to it. In the case specified in this clause, the Service Provider must refund to the Client the Service Fees that the Client has already paid for the period during which the Client was unable to use the Service.
9.12. The Service Provider has the right to unilaterally cancel the Package Agreement if the Client delays payment for the Services for more than 30 calendar days.
9.13. If the Client has not used the Service due to circumstances beyond the control of the Service Provider, the Service Fee is not refundable to any extent.
9.14. If the Client wishes to transfer the Package contract to a third party, the Service Provider has the right to refuse to transfer the Package contract to a person who has previously violated the contract with the Service Provider.
10.1. The Service Provider processes the Client's personal data in accordance with the Service Provider's terms and conditions for processing personal data, which are available on the Website.
11.1. The Service Provider has the right to unilaterally amend these General Terms and Conditions. The General Terms and Conditions that apply to the Client at the time of entering into the Basic Package Agreement are applicable.
11.2. The Service Provider has the right to unilaterally change the price of the Services. The price list valid for the Client is as of the date of conclusion of the Package Agreement.
11.3. In the event of any inconsistency, the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions shall apply unless the Parties have expressly agreed to deviate from the General Terms and Conditions.
11.4. The Service Provider has the right to assign the claims arising from the Contract against the Client, in part or in whole, to any persons, including debt collection and/or other claims handling companies, without the Client's consent.
11.5. The Contract is subject to the law of the Republic of Estonia.
11.6. Disputes related to the Contract that the Parties have not been able to resolve through negotiations will be resolved in Harju County Court, Tallinn or in the court of the Client's place of residence.
11.7. The Consumer Client may turn to the Consumer Disputes Committee (Endla 10A, 10122 Tallinn,
11.8. The Contract enters into force in accordance with the procedure described in the General Terms and Conditions and is valid for an indefinite period. The agreement for a specific Package is valid until the end of the Package term.
1.1. Unless otherwise provided by the context, the terms used in the Agreement shall bear the following meaning:
1.2 The General Terms and Conditions of the Agreement shall form an integral part thereof, thereby establishing the General Terms and Conditions of the provision of services to all members;
1.3 Member is the individual at least 18 years of age who is a natural person with active legal capacity or who has been declared as having active legal capacity using the services provided by the Service Provider under the Agreement entered into;
1.4 Service fee is the fee payable by the Member to the Service Provider for services provided in one calendar month;
1.5 Membership term is the period during which all of the services are used;
1.6 Services are those provided by the Service Provider, i.e. the use of the gym and the group class premises as well as participating in the classes;
1.7 Service Provider means 24-7Fitnessklubi OÜ (registry code 14045006), address Tallinn, Laki põik 4;
1.8 Agreement is the one entered into between the Member and the Service Provider containing special and general terms and conditions together with all the annexes, modifications and additions thereto;
1.9 Parties mean the Member and the Service Provider;
1.10 Rules are those established for the use of services that are published on the website of the Service Provider;
1.11 Member Zone is the part of the website where the Member can register and gain access by entering the username and password created upon registration;
1.12 Membership Card is the card sent to the Member that ensures their identification upon entering the Gym;
1.13 3-day membership means full access to any of the Gyms belonging to the 24-7 Gym chain valid for a period of 3 days in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement;
1.14 14-day membership means full access to any of the Gyms belonging to the 24-7 Gym chain valid for a period of 14 days in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement;
1.15 30-day membership means full access to any of the Gyms belonging to the 24-7 Gym chain valid for a period of 30 days in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement;
1.16 90-day membership means full access to any of the Gyms belonging to the 24-7 Gym chain valid for a period of 90 days in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement;
1.17 180-day membership means full access to any of the Gyms belonging to the 24-7 Gym chain valid for a period of 180 days in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement;
1.18 Annual membership means full access to any of the Gyms belonging to the 24-7 Gym chain valid for a period of one (1) year in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement;
1.19 Gym means the Gym that forms part of the Gym chain owned by the Company that the Member can visit in order to make use of the services provided by the Company in accordance with the Package type and the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement;
1.20 Website –;
1.21 Party / Parties – the Company and/or the Member;
1.22 E-invoice standing order – the annual membership requiring the payment of a monthly e-invoice;
1.23 Membership Card activation – the Membership Card is activated from the moment the package is purchased;
1.24 Suspension of a membership package – membership packages cannot be suspended due to illness, holiday, relocation or other such events;
1.25 Gym door system – Members are prohibited from entering the Gym in groups by using only one Membership Card;
1.26 Processing fee is the fee in the amount of 30 euros payable by the Member if they have any arrears arising from the Agreement.
1.27 Package transfer fee - 20 euros fee, which applies to the client in case the client wants to transfer the contract to another adult person.
1.28 Re-entry fee 6 €. This fee will be paid when membership is restored after a 45-day break;
1.29 One-time pass means full access to any of the Gyms belonging to the 24-7 Gym chain valid as a one-time entry after the purchase in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement. If you are a visitor with a one-time pass, you can participate in group training if you prove the purchase of a one-time pass by showing the payment confirmation from the phone to the trainer. You cannot participate in group training without proof of purchase.
1.30 The membership fee is a one-time fee of 10 euros. This fee applies to all persons who purchase a Sports Club Membership.
2.1. The Service Provider shall, under this Agreement, offer the Member services in accordance with the Terms and Conditions and with the procedure provided for in the Agreement and the Member shall pay the Service Provider properly and in a timely manner according to the procedure established herein.
2.1.1 The Member is the individual at least 18 years of age who is a natural person with active legal capacity or who has been declared as having active legal capacity using the services provided by the Service Provider under the Agreement entered into, except for clause 5.8 of the Internal Rules.
2.1.2 Upon registration on the website, the Member enters their first and last name, date of birth, mobile phone number, e-mail address, address of residence, personal identification code and the bank account number where they would like to receive the e-invoice and how they prefer receiving the Membership Card.
2.2 Members can choose between the following membership packages:
2.2.1 3-day membership – the fee shall be paid immediately as a single payment for the full term;
2.2.2 14-day membership – the fee shall be paid immediately as a single payment for the full term;
2.2.3 30-day membership – the fee shall be paid immediately as a single payment for the full term;
2.2.4 90-day membership – the fee shall be paid immediately as a single payment for the full term;
2.2.5 180-day membership – the fee shall be paid immediately as a single payment for the full term;
2.2.6 Annual membership – the fee shall be paid immediately as a single payment for the full term;
2.2.7 Annual membership with e-invoices – the fee shall be charged on the basis of monthly e-invoices whose amount shall be fixed on date of entry into the Agreement in accordance with the price list. Payment will be made until the end of the contract.
Members must accept the purchase of said membership in the Internet Bank within the first three working days at the beginning of the month following the purchase date;
2.3 The Agreement shall be deemed to have been entered into after the Member has provided the following confirmation on the website, ‘I confm I have read through customer contract and club inside rules. According to customer contract I accept personal data collection and proccesing’, and filled in the mandatory fields of e-invoice standing order (required for the annual membership with e-invoices) and paid for the membership pursuant to the rules established in clause 1.4 of the Agreement.
2.4 After entering into the Agreement, the Member shall be sent a registration confirmation to the e-mail address provided by them.
3.1 The Membership Card shall grant the right to visit any of the Gyms belonging to the Gym chain.
3.2 The Membership Card shall grant the Member full access to the Gym and group trainings during the term thereof.
3.3 The 30-day Membership Card shall be valid and used by the Member only during the 30 (thirty) days as of date of entry into the Agreement, except in cases where the Membership Card is cancelled prematurely in accordance with the Terms and Conditions set forth in the Agreement.
3.4 The Annual Membership Card shall be valid for one (1) year as of the first day of the term thereof, except in cases where the Membership Card is cancelled prematurely in accordance with the Terms and Conditions set forth in the Agreement.
Example 1. If the first day of the term of the Annual Membership Card falls on 12 March of the current year, the last day of the term of the Annual Membership Card shall be 11 March.
Example 2. If the first day of the term of the Annual Membership Card falls on 1 March of the current year, the last day of the term of the Annual Membership Card shall be 28 or 29 February (depending on the number of days in February that year).
3.5 Concurrently with acquiring the Membership Card, the Member shall have the right to use the following services during the term thereof: participating in group classes and/or using other services offered in any of the Gyms belonging to the Gym chain in accordance with the Agreement and the terms and conditions of the specific offer. When acquiring a freely chosen training package, it is possible to visit the group trainings in the sports clubs. There is no extra charge for group training. This is a discount granted by the Club for sports club customers. Participation in group trainings are free until 31.08.2024. Participation in group trainings will become paid from 01.09.2024. The price of the group trainings package is 2.99 € (30 days). The group trainings package is coming soon. At the moment, the development is not ready yet, so group trainings is currently included in the price of the package.
3.5.1 Members must register for selected group classes in the Member Zone, receive a registration confirmation slip and present this to the trainer prior to the commencement of the group class;
3.5.2 the Gym shall not guarantee a spot in the group class since the number of participants is limited;
3.5.3 the registration to group classes shall be made available in the Member Zone two (2) weeks prior to the commencement of the class;
3.5.4 if the Member cannot participate in the group class they registered for, they shall indicate this in the Member Zone at least two (2) hours prior to the commencement of the group class, otherwise they shall be deemed to have participated therein. If the Member has failed to perform their obligation to change their participation in the class in a timely manner twice in a row or twice in the course of one (1) month, the Company shall have the right to block their registration for group classes for a period of one (1) month, with the Member not being entitled to request the decrease of the amount of the Membership Card or to return it.
The Sports Club reserves the right to charge € 1 for each violation in the case of a failure to show up for a booked training session without cancelling the session. The Sports Club may issue invoices for violation of the rules of booking training sessions for € 6 per calendar month in total.
3.5.5 if the Member has not taken the registration confirmation slip, their spot shall be cancelled. Free spots shall be filled on an ongoing basis.
3.6 The Gym shall be entitled to change the group classes unilaterally, including replace trainers and change the classes by notifying the Member thereof on the schedule of the website.
4.1. The Service Provider shall:
4.1.1. upon entering into the Agreement, provide the Member with the Membership Card in accordance with the procedure set forth in clause 5.1 of the Agreement within two (2) working days as of the date when the Member paid for the services by sending the Card to a parcel terminal of Omniva or Smartpost .
4.1.2. ensure the proper security of the personal data provided by the Member pursuant to the rules established in the legislation.
4.2. The Service Provider shall have the right to:
4.2.1. upon amendments to market conditions or to legislation governing them and in the event of other objective reasons, amend the terms and conditions of the provision of the services unilaterally and/or of the Agreement and/or of the amounts established in the Rules. The Service Provider shall notify the Member of any and all amendments. Upon amendments to the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement and to the payment for the services, the Member shall be notified thereof at least one (1) month before the amendments take effect. The notification shall be provided in writing. The Member shall be notified of any and all amendments to the Rules on the website at;
4.2.2. restrict the provision of the services in the cases and in accordance with the procedure prescribed in the Agreement and in the Rules;
4.2.3. request the Member to bear all costs related to the management and collection of debts;
4.2.4. collect the data of the Members who have failed to pay the invoices in a timely manner and forward this to third parties who are in the business of debt collection;
4.2.5 restrict the validity of the Membership Card immediately if the Member has violated their obligations;
4.2.6 re-activate the membership package after the processing fee has been paid.
4.3. The Customer shall:
4.3.1. not hand over the Membership Card to third persons;
4.3.2. not enter the Gym through the door system in groups by using only one Membership Card;
4.3.3. pay the processing fee upon violating the Gym rules;
4.3.4. submit to the Service Provider necessary data and documents;
4.3.5. in the event of the annual membership with e-invoices, ensure that payments are transferred automatically during the whole Agreement term for the services used.
Automatic transfers shall be made on the basis of e-invoices submitted by the Service Provider;
4.3.6. ensure that their bank account holds sufficient funds for paying for the e-invoices submitted by the Service Provider during the membership period;
4.3.7. in the case of debt, compensate to Service Provider and third parties all costs incurred upon management and collection of debts;
4.3.8. notify the Service Provider of all changes in their details within three (3) days;
4.3.9 use the gym equipment with care and for its intended purpose;
4.3.10 not consume alcoholic beverages, smoke or sleep in the Gym;
4.3.11 not enter the Gym under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
4.3.12 upon debt, pay the unpaid monthly fee of the membership package, the processing fee and all possible costs related to the debt.
4.4. If the Member fails to notify the Service Provider of any changes in their contact details, all details shall be deemed as being correct and all letters shall be sent to the address provided by the Member. The details shall be deemed to have been properly submitted within three (3) working days as of the submission thereof.
5.1. The Member shall pay the Service Provider for the services provided in accordance with the following procedure.
5.1.1. If the Member has purchased the annual package with e-invoices, the first payment payable by the Member to the Service Provider shall be calculated from the first day (inclusive) of the provision of the services selected by the Member to the last day of that month. In addition, the Members shall pay an advance payment for the next month via a bank link.
Example 1: The customer joins the club on 15.03, pays for the current month and next month through the bank link.
The customer card is valid from 15.03 until 31.03 next year.
The first e-invoice will be issued on 01.05, the e-invoice will be paid for on 10.05 at the latest, which will be repeated 10 times.
The last invoice will be issued on 01.03 next year, the card will remain valid until 31.03.
5.1.2. The e-invoice for the services for the following months shall be sent by the Service Provider to the bank provided by the Member and shall be paid from the bank account specified by them.
5.1.3 The Member shall pay the 30-day membership fee via a bank link. The membership shall remain in force for 30 days at the time of purchase.
5.1.4 The Member shall pay the annual membership fee as a single payment via a bank link. The membership shall remain in force for 365 days at the time of purchase.
5.1.5 The Member shall pay the 90-day membership fee as a single payment via a bank link. The membership shall remain in force for 90 days at the time of purchase.
5.1.6 The Member shall pay the 180-day membership fee as a single payment via a bank link. The membership shall remain in force for 180 days at the time of purchase.
5.1.7 The Member shall pay the 14-day membership fee as a single payment via a bank link. The membership shall remain in force for 14 days at the time of purchase.
5.1.8 The Member shall pay the 3-day membership fee as a single payment via a bank link. The membership shall remain in force for 3 days at the time of purchase.
5.2 The payments specified in clause 5.1.2 of the Agreement shall be made from the bank account of the Member by the 10th of each calendar month. The Member shall ensure that the service fee is paid by the 10th of each calendar month (if the amount cannot be transferred as an e-invoice payment, the Service Provider shall not be liable for this).
5.3. If the 10th of the current month falls on a day off or a public holiday, the payment shall be made on the first working day following the payment date. If, during the said period, no sufficient funds are available on the bank account of the Member or the payment cannot be made for some other reasons (e.g. the account has been), the Membership Card of the Member shall be blocked and they shall be prohibited from entering the Gym premises. If no sufficient funds are available on the bank account of the Member, they shall have the right to write at info(at) and request that the invoice be sent via e-mail. After the invoice is paid and the payment order submitted, the Member shall be entitled to use the services.
5.4. All payments made by the Member under the Agreement shall be deemed to have been properly made as of the receipt of the payment into the bank account of the Service Provider.
5.5 If the amounts paid by the Member are insufficient for covering the debt on the services, the amounts received shall be divided as follows: first, the Member shall compensate the Service Provider for all costs related to the collection of debts from the Member, then the default interests followed by the debt on the services (starting from the oldest).
5.6 Failure to receive the invoice will not in any case free the Member of any contractual payments because the Member should anticipate the amount resulting from the Agreement and its articles. When paying based on the e-invoice standing order agreement the Member must insure the availability of the correct amount on their account on the date stated in the Agreement and insure the existence of an e-invoice standing order agreement in favour of the Club.
5.7 In case the Member is unable to fulfil any contractual financial obligations due to insufficient information the Member is first and foremost obligated to obtain the missing information from the Club’s website or contact the Club as soon as possible to obtain the missing information.
6.1. If the Member fails to pay the invoices submitted by the Service Provider by the due date, the latter shall have the right to request that the Member pay a default interest at the rate of 0.05% of the overdue amount for each day of delay. If the payment made by the Member to the Service Provider is delayed more than 14 (fourteen) calendar days, the latter shall have the right to request that the Member pay a default interest at the rate of 0.1% of the overdue amount for each day of delay.
6.2. Both Parties shall compensate the other Party for all direct damage caused by actions for which the compensating Party is held liable.
6.3. Under separate Terms and Conditions of the Agreement, the Parties shall agree and confirm that the compensation for damages and costs shall not exempt the Party who has failed to perform their obligations arising from the Agreement from performing them in the future.
6.4. The Service Provider shall not be liable for the non-provision or the incorrect provision of the services or the damage caused to the Member if such damage was not the fault of the Service Provider. The Service Provider shall not be liable for the actions of third parties or for any restrictions imposed to the Member by third parties.
6.5. If the provision of the services is suspended for reasons imputable to the Member, the latter shall not be exempt from the obligation to pay for the services.
6.6. The compensation measures listed in the Agreement shall not restrict the right of the Parties to make use of other legal compensation measures.
7.1 A one year package with contract can be terminated early by paying an Early Termination Fee. The Early Termination Fee is equal to the fee for 4 months or the sum of the monthly fees remaining until the end of the contract term (whichever is lower). To terminate a one year package with contract, a corresponding application must be sent to the email address info(at) The contract will end at the end of the current month upon submission of a written application to the email address info(at)
7.2 If the Member has purchased the 30-day membership, 90-day membership, 90-day membership, 180-day membership or the annual membership requiring a single advance payment for the full term, they shall have the right to cancel the Agreement unilaterally without reason by notifying the Company thereof. In such a case, the Agreement shall be deemed to have ended at the moment the Company receives the notification of the Member regarding the termination of the Agreement.
The remaining fee for the unused term of the Membership shall not be returned upon termination of the Agreement and the Company shall withhold this as a compensation for the termination thereof on the initiative of the Member. The Member shall agree with the full amount of the compensation and be aware that such amount is related to the pricing policy of the Company and is justified by the discount of the standard fee charged upon purchasing the Membership.
7.3 The Company shall have the right to cancel the Agreement immediately and unilaterally as well as cancel the Membership and block the Membership Card by notifying the Member thereof if:
7.3.1. the Member has submitted to the Company false, inaccurate, incomplete or incorrect personal or contact details or false, inaccurate, incomplete or incorrect Membership Card details or if they attempted to use such details belonging to third persons;
7.3.2. the Member has violated the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement (for example the payment of the Membership fee) or of Annexes thereto (including the General Rules for visiting the Gym).
7.4. If the Company has cancelled the Agreement under clause 7.3, no remaining fee for the unused term of the Membership shall be returned and the Company shall withhold this as a penalty.
In addition, the Company shall have the right to refuse from entering into new agreements with the Member.
7.5 If the Member terminated the Agreement due to the fault of the Company, the latter shall return to the Member the fee for the unused term of the annual membership that remained after the premature termination of the Agreement.
Furthermore, after the premature termination of Agreement, the Member shall have the right to require the Company to pay, for the unused term of the annual membership, a penalty in the amount equal to the purchased membership fee.
7.6 The termination of the Agreement shall not exempt the Member from the obligation to pay all debts and compensate for the damage caused to the Company during the term of the Agreement.
The expiry of the Agreement shall not affect the legal force of clauses 5.1.1, 5.1.2 and 5.3 thereof granting the Company the right and authorisation to make transfers during the term of the Agreement for the purpose of settling the debt of the Member to the Company. The terms and conditions laid down in clauses 5.1.1, 5.1.2 and 5.3 of the Agreement shall remain in force even if the validity of all of the other clauses has expired.
7.7. The Service Provider shall have the right to temporarily limit the provision of certain services (or some of the services) immediately and without advance notice by notifying the Member thereof in writing, if:
7.7.1. the Member causes damage to the equipment of the Service Provider;
7.7.2. the Member fails to pay the Service Provider in a timely manner and in accordance with the procedure established in the Agreement;
7.7.3. the unlawful actions of the Member impede other individuals from using the services provided by the Service Provider;
7.7.4. the Service Provider cannot provide the services due to circumstances beyond their control (including failures of the city communication networks, circumstances related to force majeure and other circumstances);
7.7.5. the Member fails to observe the provisions of the Agreement or of the Rules;
7.7.6 the Member has given their Membership Card to another individual;
7.7.7 the Member agrees to pay the processing fee in the amount of 30 euros if the Gym has identified that the Membership Card had been handed over to a third party and they have been sent a photograph proving such allegations via e-mail, post or registered mail.
7.8. In the event of absence of any fault on the part of the Member, they shall have the right to terminate the Agreement unilaterally by notifying the Service Provider thereof five (5) days in advance if the Service Provider fails to provide the services for more than 30 (thirty) consecutive days except for the impossibility of providing service due to circumstances beyond the service provider's control. In such a case, the Service Provider shall return to the Member the amount paid for the period during which no services were provided to the Member.
7.9. The termination or expiry of the Agreement shall not exempt the Member from the obligation to pay for the services provided by the Service Provider up to the termination date of the Agreement (unless the Agreement is terminated or expires due to the fault of the Service Provider).
7.10. The Service Provider shall have the right to terminate the Agreement unilaterally by notifying the Member thereof at least five (5) days in advance if the Member:
7.10.1. fails to adhere to the significant Terms and Conditions of the Agreement;
7.10.2. violates repeatedly the provisions of the Agreement or the requirements of the Rules;
7.10.3. delays the payment for the services for more than 30 (thirty) days.
7.11 In the event that the Client has not used the service from the 24-7fitness club for reasons beyond the control of the OCT, the service fee shall not be deemed to be full or partial reimbursement. In the event of late payment of the contract fee (s), the 24-7fitness club OÜ has the right to charge a penalty of 0.15% of the amount payable per day for any payment delayed by the day until the amount owed is fully paid.
8.1. The Member shall agree that their personal data is used by the Service Provider for direct marketing purposes (and for sending advertisements). Under the Agreement, the Member shall also consent to receiving advertising materials on the services provided by the Service Provider.
8.2.The Member has the right to withdraw from the purchased service within fourteen days by forwarding a request to the company's communication channels.
8.3.The repeal of any provisions of the Agreement partially or in whole shall not affect the validity of other provisions thereof. In such a case, the Parties shall make all efforts to amend the repealed provision so that it would have, as far as possible, the same legal force.
8.4. All communication and other message exchange between the Parties shall be in writing and the messages shall be deemed as having submitted correctly if they have been sent by registered mail, courier, fax or e-mail (upon confirmation of receipt). The notification shall be deemed as having been received by the other Party on the working day following the sending thereof if the notification has been sent via the Member Zone.
8.5. The Member shall have the right to transfer all obligations arising from the Agreement to a third party with the written consent of the Service Provider. Upon transfer of the Membership, a single processing fee shall be paid.
8.6. The Agreement may be supplemented and amended only with the written agreement between the Parties.
8.7. Any and all disputes, disagreements and claims related or arising from the Agreement as well as all issues associated with the violation, termination and term of the Agreement shall be settled by way of negotiations. If no agreement is reached within 30 (thirty) days, the dispute or disagreement shall be settled in accordance with the procedure set forth in the legislation with the submission of a statement of claim with the court.
9.1 Purpose
24-7FITNESSKLUBI OÜ (hereinafter "Club" or "we") informs with this privacy policy notice how we collect and use the personal data of our Clients (contractual as well as non-contractual users of the Club and visitors to the Club's website).
We comply with the personal data protection legislation applicable to the processing of personal data, including the Personal Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR").
We implement appropriate organizational, information technology, and other necessary measures to ensure the protection of the personal data of our Clients.
9.2 Controller of personal data
Tallinn, Mustamäe district, Laki põik 4, 12618
9.3 What personal data do we collect?
The Club collects the following personal data about the Client:
9.4 Purpose and legal basis of processing personal data
The Club processes the personal data referred to in section 3 for the following purposes:
On the basis of legitimate interest, the Client's personal data is processed for the following purposes, among others:
9.5 transfer of personal data
In certain cases, we may be required to provide personal data to authorities for the purposes set out in Section 4, or we may transfer personal data to other third parties based on our legitimate interests, such as collection service providers or information system developers.
9.6 processing of personal data outside the European Economic Area
Personal data will not be transferred outside the European Economic Area.
9.7 storage of personal data
The Club shall retain the Client's personal data until the fulfillment of the purposes specified in Section 3 or until the expiry of the terms provided by legislation or the loss of the legitimate interest on the basis of which the Club's personal data is processed.
9.8 Client's rights
As a data subject, the Client has the following rights regarding his/her personal data:
In order to use these rights, the Client contacts the Club at
In certain cases, these rights may be limited - for example, if the Club has a legal obligation to process the Client's data. In response to the Client's request, the Club shall justify its decision.
The Client has the right to submit a complaint to the Data Protection Inspectorate (address Tatari 39, 10134 Tallinn; e-mail:; phone: +372 627 4135; website: or to a court, if he or she finds that his or her personal data has been processed unlawfully or otherwise in breach of his or her rights.
9.9 changes
If the Club changes the types of personal data to be processed or the purposes of data processing, the Club shall make the corresponding changes in this notification and notify the Client thereof at his or e-mail address.
10.1 The Gym has the right, without the consent of the Member, to hand over the claims (including in part) arising from the Agreement to any third parties, including persons and organisations who are in the business of debt collection.
10.2 If the Member wants to hand over the Agreement to thirds persons, they shall need the written consent of the Gym. The Gym shall have the right to refuse from consenting to the handing over of the Agreement without providing any explanations.
11.1 The Agreement shall be governed by the legislation of the respective country.
11.2 The repeal or inaccuracy of a provision of the Agreement shall not exempt the other Party from the obligation to adhere to its other provisions and shall not repeal the Agreement as a whole or other provisions thereof.
11.3 The Parties shall attempt to settle any disputes arising from the Agreement, including those pertaining to the amendment, violation, termination, legal force or interpretation thereof immediately by way of negotiations. If the Parties fail to settle the dispute by way of negotiations, the Member shall submit a statement containing their first and last name, address of residence, contact details, date of submission of the statement, the content of the complaint, the claim and explanation thereof. If possible, the statement shall be appended with documents forming the basis of the statement. The Company shall review the statement and reply the Member in writing within 15 (fifteen) days of receipt of the statement in accordance with the legislation governing the Agreement.
In the case of objective circumstances, the Company may extend the said term of review and reply of the statement by notifying the Member immediately thereof in writing and providing the new term for review and reply as well as the reasons for extending the term.
11.4 If the Parties fail to settle the dispute in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down in clause 11.3, it shall be settled pursuant to the legislation governing the Agreement.