We send password editing link to your email

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Join us

Selected package

3 day package
11.99 €
Membership fee
10 €

Due amount
21.99 €
Edit package


If desired, use an ID card to fill in the data.

First name
Last name
Personal identification code
Phone Enter in the format 3725512345
Password again:

The club can be accessed using the 24-7 Fitness mobile app. If you wish, you can also order a plastic customer card. See the mobile app guide here.

By choosing the Stebby payment method, Stebby will charge a package fee from your account. If the entire value of the package fee cannot be taken from the Stebby account, the balance of the missing package fee remains in the shopping cart, which you can pay via the bank link. The package is valid when the entire package fee has been paid.

It is not possible to buy a package with an annual contract through Stebby.